Two years after Amityville voters passed a $69.9 million capital bond referendum in 2016, miscellaneous construction projects were underway at the district’s five schools. Design was on-going at Edmund W. Miles Middle School as well, where proposed renovations valued at over $5.65 million included ADA improvements and Building Code upgrades, new security vestibules at entrances, HVAC equipment upgrades and new fresh-air delivery systems, installation of air conditioning in the Cafeteria and Gymnasium, masonry reconstruction, and a complete replacement of window systems.
At the Middle School, what appeared to be a curtainwall system was actually a mixture of individually stacked, steel-frame window units varying greatly in shape and size. Placed seemingly in random patterns over the existing load bearing structure, original window mullions and transom rails were completely “misaligned” along the building’s perimeter. The inefficient layout lacked in visual uniformity and prevented any modulization of window systems and façade elements.
As a result, BBS designers devised a window unit scheme reminiscent of a standard curtainwall construction, not unlike the original system. However, as compared to the original units, new window components vary only slightly around the building, which results in more uniform, consistent exteriors. Furthermore, a horizontal row of solid accent panels tinted in red – the Amityville school colors – emphasizes the new window layout between the 2nd and 3rd building floor level. Other elements complete and enhance the visual experience, including fully-transparent, high-insulating glazed units at sill levels; spandrel (opaque) glass units “hiding” building features between the floors such as structural slab ends, partitions, mechanical equipment, vents, etc.; solid accent panels; and unique panels accommodating Air Conditioning-, Unit Ventilator-, and other HVAC equipment.
At ground level, the original steel-frame window and door units were replaced with an energy-efficient, full-height storefront system to address thermal and daylighting issues inside the school due to its recessed construction. When complete in 2019, the revamped façade of the Edmund W. Miles Middle School will position the building for its future as a high-performing educational facility.
Project Facts
- Client: Amityville Union Free School District
- Location: Amityville, New York
- Completion: 2019
- Cost: $2,470,000
- Services: 3d Visualizations + Renderings, ADA Design, Architectural Design, Asbestos Abatement Design, Code Compliance, Concept Development, Cost Estimating + Budgeting, Electrical Engineering, Fire Protection + Life Safety, Forensic Architecture, Forensic Engineering, Interior Design, IT System + Network Design, Landscape Architectural Design, Master Planning, Mechanical Engineering, NYSED Reporting, Plumbing Engineering, Security System Design