BBS Architects, Landscape Architects & Engineers (BBS) has adapted to the new reality caused by the recent pandemic and is effectively moving forward as a leader in New York State’s (K-12), Public Library and Municipal Design Industry. Our staff is working remotely with full access to all pertinent files and information in a continued effort to service your ongoing needs. We are all readily available via email, cell phone and various conferencing platforms. Video conferencing has allowed us to keep pace with facility committee and design development meetings for further engagement and collaboration among stakeholder groups to keep overall master schedules on track.
We are maintaining rigorous compliance with Federal and State mandates regarding social distancing, face masks and gloves when necessary in our building and in and out of your buildings. We have seen several constructions sites shut down, even though some school district clients’ attorneys had deemed them as “essential projects”. We have continued to perform job-site observations as allowable and for sites where construction is in fact occurring. With recent revisions and clarifications to mandates regarding construction in New York State, we are beginning to see school construction job-sites slowly and partially reopen; however there is unfortunately some level of delay and confusion involved since some of the subcontractors do not feel they can work while maintaining social distancing. This complicates things, even when public school officials have clearly directed contractors to resume construction. Furthermore, Trade Unions and the Association of General Contractors of America (AGC) seem to intermittently be at odds; because the primary objective of Trade Unions is the safety of workers, while the AGC is lobbying for the full re-opening of all job-sites as soon as possible.
Nonetheless, the Spring bidding season for public schools is in full swing and is carrying with it some positive momentum forward with recently favorable bid results. Budgets are still holding during delays in permitting, uncertainty of material supply and delivery, and the anticipation of potential future schedule disruptions. So, while things are getting started despite adverse conditions – they are moving. However, overall, public schools should still be prepared for their normally scheduled Summer projects to be subject to lag into the Fall as the system re-balances itself. Contingency plans should be made accordingly as a precaution. BBS will be there to help you when you need us, our project managers will reach out to you at the appropriate time, and of course, as previously stated are available to you at any time between now and then as well.
Most of our clients are familiar with Energy Performance Contracts (EPC). In these uncertain financial times we suggest you consider an EPC since it only requires a Board Resolution and not a public vote. You may know that EPC’s are a cost-neutral way to embark upon energy-related capital improvements, such as ceiling & lighting replacement, boiler replacement, controls upgrades, and sometimes even roofing and window replacements. BBS has quietly and effectively designed and implemented many EPC’s, both currently and in the past. We would be happy to discuss this option further with you; let us know.
Thank you for your continuing trust in us. We remain vigilantly aware of our rapidly changing industry, and we pledge to continue our stewardship of your capital projects through this difficult time. We are adapting daily to shift our approach, gather resources and strengthen our commitment to our clients. One such shift, in a bit of good news, is BBS’s own Greg O’Connor, AIA, will be relocating from the Patchogue Office to become Director of Architecture in the Albany Office. This is just one example of how we are synergistically evolving to meet the needs of our clients with a stronger, more unified and blended team of professionals to address our clients throughout New York State … Hats off to Greg!
Joseph Rettig, AIA, LEED AP
(631) 404-6938