Why EPC and Why Now?
BBS has been implementing energy efficient projects for over 25 years, having designed hundreds of millions of dollars worth of Energy Performance Contracts. We provide exceptional design, implementation guidance, energy-efficient solutions, innovative technologies, and carbon footprint reduction applications.
What is an EPC (Energy Performance Contract)?
An EPC is an agreement that allows the School District to take the dollars that would typically have been paid to your electric, natural gas, and local fuel oil suppliers, and invest that money back into the District’s buildings and infrastructure.
Why is an EPC important now?
We understand there are many concerns right now about how to move forward in the current environment. Our schools, businesses, and municipalities are juggling priorities of the health and safety of our communities and moving forward in a cautious and thoughtful manner. An Energy Performance Contract could be one way to move your capital projects forward while NYS remains on pause. COVID-19 is creating a domino effect of implications for our local economies, taxpayers, and District constituents, and there is no better time to consider the savings an EPC can provide.
Benefits of an EPC
- EPCs can be a contingent expense – they don’t require voter approval.
- Guaranteed energy savings.
- Generates positive cash-flow – can be put toward other District needs.
- No out-of-pocket costs to the District – professional fees are paid for by energy savings.
- Reduced energy costs by 1/3 or more – For example, some Districts have seen 100% of their electric costs offset by a photovoltaic (solar) installation.
Is an EPC right for you?
Evaluate your facilities and their potential for energy improvements.
Decide what is a priority and define the District’s goals.
Assemble an informed team – your architect and engineer, along with maintenance, financial, legal, and procurement staff, will make informed, technical decisions about an EPC and its benefits.
Why BBS?
At BBS, we take a holistic approach to each and every EPC. As architects and engineers, we incorporate the EPC into your overall infrastructure and facilities plan.
We understand the nuances of technology and controls and will specify the appropriate controls and capacities for your buildings.
Your EPC isn’t transactional for BBS. As your architect and engineer, we have the District’s long term goals in mind and will protect the District’s best interests before, during, and well after the EPC is in place. We’re your partner every step of the way.
Contact us today to learn more about how BBS and EPCs can help move your District forward in these uncertain times.